
I decided to add a web log to my site to have a place where I can post things of interest to people who love dogs.  I will add things as the inspiration hits me and hope that the entries are helpful and maybe even inspirational to those who are working to improve the behaviors of their beloved four legged friends.

I’ll start by introducing my dog Wager, whose image was used as the header at the top of this web log.

Wager often joins me on my behavior consultation trips and is a terrific help in rehabilitating dogs who are not fond of their own species.  His “steady Eddie” personality seems to have a calming effect on most dogs who meet him.   He sees the world through rose colored glasses and has never met a stranger.  We humans could learn quite a lot from such an optimistic and accepting point of view!

I acquired Wager as a puppy from a breeder nine years ago.  He was a very successful show dog and later developed a love for camera work, modeling for a wide variety of products over the years and he even filmed a TV commercial and nailed it on the first take.  He is happiest when he is with his person, who luckily is ME, and he loves to be out and about, experiencing the wide wonders of the world.   How lucky I am to have such a wonderful and loyal friend in my life!
