Category Archives: Success Stories

And then an angel entered center stage…


It seemed as if no one in the world really cared. A young dog with a troubled mind faced the world alone, shuffled around from one place to another because she didn’t fit in…anywhere. No one wanted this furry little misfit. Finally she found herself in a local shelter. They had all thrown in the towel and given up on her. She had run out of time.

Many years ago, a woman named Pam and her family had a border collie with unusual markings, solid white with a black teardrop shaped patch over one eye. Ollie was a dog who was loved and very fondly remembered. When Pam noticed a border collie in a shelter who looked nearly identical to her beloved friend of the past it shook her to the core. She could not escape the obvious connection.


(Above) Pam and Migel’s beloved dog Ollie

Pam ended up removing this carbon copy from her past from the shelter to foster her until a perfect, permanent home could be found for her.   Everyone called this dog Cricket.   Pam was informed that Cricket was totally deaf and had shown some aggression towards other dogs.   It seems that Cricket had bitten a woman in a prior foster home who was attempting to break up a fight between her and one of the woman’s own dogs.  Pam’s grown son who visited on holidays, had a dog so she felt that this wouldn’t be the right addition to their family.   Since she was currently dogless herself though, this was not an overly pressing issue in her foster situation.

But in reality, these were the least of Cricket’s problems.   Almost immediately Pam discovered that her new foster dog had some major oddities.   A strange compulsion to pounce repetitively onto the floor as if her brain and body were being altered by an alien remote control, and a frantic need to snap at flies that weren’t there revealed that this dog’s problems ran deeper than Pam ever could have realized.  What looked to her vet like a strange seizure disorder, I later diagnosed as severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, widely known as OCD.

I have certainly seen OCD in dogs before.   Border collies seem to have more of a predisposition towards this than other breeds.   Having lived with border collies for many years, I’ve even had to deal with this in one of my own dogs, a rescue border collie named Kip.   So I have traveled down this road before, not only with clients’ dogs but also with my own.

To be honest, I was not optimistic about Cricket’s future when I first talked with Pam.   Complete deafness, dog aggression and severe OCD all in the same dog seemed to be a steep mountain to climb.    Who in the world is going to want a dog like this?   By the time she found my website and emailed me,  Pam had already  contacted several local trainers and behaviorists for help and no one would give her promising news or even a ray of hope.   Since Cricket’s future now rested in Pam’s hands and she had nowhere to turn, I decided to meet this complicated dog for myself.   After all, everyone deserves at least a chance…

I knew from the moment I first met Pam and her family and Cricket that something quite out of the ordinary was about to happen.   This was either going to be one of the most magical and inspirational behavior training jobs I was to ever do, or it was going to tear my heart out.   I was not alone in believing this.   By the time I met Pam she was not only fully emotionally invested in the dog, but she was also trapped.   Cricket’s future now rested in our hands.    Failure to help her would cost Cricket her life and lay heavy on Pam’s conscience, not to mention my own.

Indeed the OCD was obvious.   Starting with pacing back and forth and a slight cock of the head while staring at the floor, Cricket left this planet.  The wild pouncing would begin, over and over and over and over and over again.   It was trance-like, driven from deep within her.  While outdoors in Pam’s backyard another oddity revealed itself.   Cricket would stand there like a normal dog one second and then “bolt”, racing back and forth along the fence in a huge repetitive sweeping motion, much like a pacing lion in a zoo cage, only at 100 miles per hour.   Her face glazed over as she flew across the ground.  It was like her tail was on fire.   She was unreachable in this state.   She had left this planet again.

Pam was fully committed to seeing Cricket’s rehabilitation through.   Finally, an angel had come into this troubled dog’s life.  There was tremendous work to do, and Pam  and her family were the ones who would have to do it.  My goal was to give them the tools necessary to bring these changes about and coach and encourage them through the troubled times that I knew were ahead.   I worked with Pam and Cricket for several hours during my first visit.  We were seeing changes almost immediately.  We were able to go into the strange little world that Cricket had created for herself and bring her back here with us for short amounts of time.  Then we lengthened the time that we asked for normalcy.  Cricket complied.   Pam’s husband and son joined in.  This was to be a family project.

Stress often exacerbates OCD.  It is classified as an anxiety disorder.  This was somewhat true for Cricket.  Being shuffled around from one foster home to another and finally to a shelter, Cricket’s spirit was in a constant state of chaos and stress.  But I noticed that boredom was even more of an issue.  As soon as Cricket’s bright mind had nothing to think about, she went into that special little place of hers and started pacing and pouncing.   She had been tied out on a short chain at some point in her past which is likely when and why she developed this behavior as a coping mechanism to busy her quick mind.    Anyone reading this needs to be aware of how much mental stimulation a border collie needs.   The brighter the mind, the more stimulation is needed.   That is why OCD can be problematic in this breed.

Due to her deafness, Cricket learned hand signals for tricks and obedience commands.  I also recommended that Pam enroll her in tracking lessons (ground scent work) because I wanted to see Cricket start using her nose, like a normal dog.  Pam was happy to do this and quickly signed up to work with an accomplished local tracking trainer.   Cricket desperately needed a JOB!

During my second visit we started asking for normalcy from Cricket for longer stretches of time.  She thrived on the mental challenge of staying in this world with us.  Her brain finally had something to concentrate on.  The OCD behaviors had become so ingrained in her that she was only able to achieve this at first for short periods of time.  But this soon changed as Cricket began to learn a new way of being.  She also had to learn two other important lessons, how to relax and how to be loved.  These were the two most important lessons that Cricket would learn.

Time has finally become an ally for Cricket.  She has wormed her sweet, quirky little way into the hearts of this loving family.  It became clear that this was to be her new permanent home.   Renamed Chula (Spanish for cutie), she has finally found a place where she fits in.


(Above) Cute little Chula.   Her likeness to Ollie is uncanny.

What an incredible story this turned out to be.   A spirit from the past who still lived in Pam’s heart connected her to this troubled soul of the present, catching her attention and saving a life.   One cannot help but ponder the bigger meaning of this.

With progress marching along slowly but steadily, Chula faces a wonderful future full of hope, fun and most importantly, love.  Someday she will lead a normal life when the demons of her past have melted away.  This special, dedicated family has amazed me and given me hope for nearly all seemingly impossible situations.  This truly is an example of humanity at it’s best.  I am  proud to have been a part of it.

A New Team Leader


People sometimes cross paths for reasons that are not clearly evident in the beginning…

Australian Shepherd Tippy is a dog who likes to have FUN.   In fact, when I first met Tippy, she was all about fun.   But she also was all about Tippy.  This sweet, affectionate dog liked to do things her own way and in her own time.   This unfortunate approach to living once nearly cost Tippy her life.   One sunny day when she was a young dog, Tippy was not in a listening mode as her owner Barb desperately called her to come while off leash.   A moving car found Tippy first and  sent her flying through the air.  Lady Luck was smiling on them both that day.  Tippy came out of the disaster with only  minor bruises and scratches.   If all dogs in this situation could be so fortunate!


Time passed and Tippy’s injuries healed.   Barb had a growing interest in Dog Agility and at first Tippy seemed to like it too.   But over time Tippy’s lack of compliance became a real hindrance as she would either race around  just out of Barb’s reach while off leash or quit training all together.   Barb was referred to me by an accomplished local agility trainer who had given her a private agility training evaluation.

One of my specialties in dealing with dogs is the development of teamwork between dog and human.   Many years of training competition obedience show dogs have taught me that I want a happy attitude in the dogs that I train.  I also want teamwork, with me being the team leader.   There is no reason in the world that one cannot have both.

Before Barb and Tippy were able to become a team in agility, Barb first had to establish the team leader concept to her canine partner.   Barb and I worked throughout that fall and winter establishing a new dog/owner relationship that was one of respect, trust and love.   Tippy responded very well to training.   Things immediately began to improve for Them.   I must admit that I’ve not seen anyone work as hard as Barb did at correcting Tippy’s problem behaviors.    Together over time, they blossomed and have become a beautiful working agility team.

(Below) Tippy goes through her paces.   She thoroughly enjoys training now, as does her happy human partner.


(Below) An airborne Tippy.  THIS time, being airborne is a GOOD thing!    Tippy has learned to love agility and is a happy, compliant and willing team member.


In the end, I not only gained a dedicated client in Barb, but I’ve also gained a wonderful friend.   We have shared a great deal of fun and laughter in agility class together (I have my once troubled dog Kip in agility training).    It turns out that Barb and I have a great deal in common and enjoy many of the same things.   One never knows  the direction the journey that is life will take us in.    Working with dogs has introduced me to the most amazing people!


Battling Bassets


Basset hound owner Mary is one of those special dog owners who will do anything for her dogs.   Her beloved Bassets  all come through assorted rescue organizations.  Any dog would be fortunate to spend their life with Mary.   The walls of her living room are adorned with photos of her dogs from the past and present.  Her home and life is full of the love that she gives to her dogs and that they give to her.   This was an idyllic scene to the casual onlooker.   But trouble was brewing inside this loving home.

Mary’s most recent addition to her little pack of Bassets arrived full of energy, exuberance and attitude.   Chloe came into Mary’s home with her own ideas of how things should be.  These ideas were not conducive to peaceful living in her new family.    Chloe had a particular dislike for the other female Basset in the home named Bella who was the reigning queen.   It is not uncommon for females that are close in heir-achy rank to take a major dislike to each other.     They became competitors with each other in nearly all aspects of life.   After the battles between them became more and more frequent and violent, it became clear to Mary that something must be done.

When I arrived at Mary’s home, I was interested to see how loving this home was.  I was also interested to see how lenient this home was.   Although not very tall, Basset Hounds are very large, heavy dogs.  They can make an entire house rattle when launching themselves against a sliding glass door.    These dogs were used to demanding from Mary when they wanted attention, when they wanted to come inside, when they wanted to eat, when they wanted to do what ever else a Basset Hound wants to do.  Mary would happily comply.

But Mary was hungry for new information.  She hung on my every word and understood how her role in her canine family needed to change.  She embraced new ideas and soaked them up like a sponge.   We worked with her dogs and saw immediate changes in their behavior.    Since Chloe and Bella had developed issues with each other that were serious enough for Mary  to  keep  them separated and Chloe was the one doing most of the damage in scrimmages with Bella, Chloe wore a muzzle while working with them together to keep everyone safe from injury.   The “girls” started to chill with each other almost right away.   We let them know that with Mary’s growing leadership skills, things were now going to be different.   The Basset girls embraced that idea too.


(Above) Chloe showing off that cute Basset face!


(Above)  Bella poses for her close-up.   Her life is a much more peaceful one these days…

Mary has worked very hard with all four of her dogs, embracing a new way of relating with them.   Her love and affection for them has not faded, but she now owns her home again and rules the roost.   The dogs all share the same space with her again and Bella and Chloe are playing and enjoying each others company.   They get daily exercise and structure with lots of love mixed in.  Mary has found a peaceful way of balancing her love with leadership.

(Below) A peaceful group poses for a family portrait.   This is all possible because of Mary’s devotion and willingness to make the necessary changes needed to create balance in her household.


A New Beginning

Bailey’s Story

I often mention how inspiring it is to meet the kind of people who are so committed to their dogs that they choose to work through big problems rather than throwing in the towel (and throwing away the dog). These special people continually give me hope that a better human/dog future is on the horizon for all of us.

Steve and Lisa are the kind of people who love life, and enthusiastically embrace the challenges that come with it. I asked Steve to write a short story about his early experiences with his new best friend Bailey.


An injured, pregnant stray dog walked onto the property of a married couple who loved dogs. This special couple was already involved with an animal adoption agency called Furry Kids Refuge. The stray dog delivered seven puppies.  The foster parents took wonderful care of the mother dog and all seven puppies. The dog’s pictures were posted on the Furry Kid’s website. When my wife and I saw the picture of a beautiful red haired female, we knew we had to visit to see if we could be her new forever home.

We met “Ramona” and she was lovely. We cleared the “adoption process” and had our new dog home within one week.  The first week we spent with our newly renamed Bailey was wonderful! However, on the eighth day at our house things quickly began to deteriorate.  Bailey would growl and bark and charge at our 18 year old son (who previously had complained that she was too nice and wouldn’t scare off any intruders). She began to also charge at every visitor who came to our house. We endured this behavior for just two days. By that time we were ready to return Bailey to Furry Kids Refuge. We simply could not own a dog that wanted to bite everyone that entered our house.   But Bailey was so good to my wife and me that we decided we just HAD to try to do something that would allow us to keep her. So we contacted Furry Kids Refuge and explained the situation. We were advised we could return Bailey but they suggested we contact a dog trainer that they recommended. We had never dealt with a dog trainer before but we were more than willing to try that if it meant we could keep our new dog.

We contacted the trainer (Joni Johnson-Godsy) via e-mail. Joni gave me a call the day she received my e-mail and agreed to meet with us that very night! Joni said this behavior needed to be addressed immediately! My wife and I were very nervous about our chances of a trainer being able to do anything with this suddenly vicious dog. Would our dog bite her? Could Bailey be trained? Could WE be trained? What could we do to protect our son and visitors? Would we be able to keep Bailey?   If  so,  how long would it take to get her back to being a loving dog?  So many questions needed answers.

Joni arrived at our home and stayed for over three hours.  During that time she gave us instructions on how to deal with specific behavioral issues.  Bailey immediately started responding to our new ways of correcting her. My wife and I learned how to think like “the alpha dog” (a term I had never heard of before). We were instructed on how to “take our house back” from Bailey. We learned the right way to walk a dog. We learned how to keep the dog from jumping on us. We were educated on how to stop Bailey from hitting the door when she wanted in. We discussed how to turn Bailey into a loving dog.

During Joni’s visit Lisa and I learned that our once passive dog had turned into an aggressive dog because of the way I pampered her and let her have the run of the house the first week we had her. As it turned out, nearly everything I did during the first week with Bailey was NOT the right thing to do with a new dog. Ground rules should have been established from Day One.  I was ignorant on how to handle a new dog but Joni gave me an education on the right way to do things. Joni shared her considerable knowledge of dogs with us and she did this without making us feel less then intelligent (even though we were not prepared to own a new dog).

Near the end of the session, tears formed in my eyes as I came to the realization that we now had a fighting chance to keep our new pet. Joni let us know that with some additional work, Bailey could end up being a wonderful dog.

A few months have passed since that training session and I am very proud to report that Bailey has been transformed into an incredibly loving dog and companion. My son is no longer afraid of her and our visitors are no longer worried about dealing with “Cujo Jr”.

This could not have happened without the assistance of a good trainer/ behaviorist. We are thankful that Furry Kids Refuge referred us to Joni. We are better educated and therefore are better dog owners now.

I strongly recommend speaking with a behaviorist before you bring your new dog home. By being proactive and learning about dogs before you bring them home, you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble. We thought we could handle a new dog on our own but we learned at least in the case of Bailey that we were sadly mistaken. But Joni came through and everything worked out for all involved.”


Steve & Lisa


On a side note, Steve gives me an awful lot of credit here, but it was HE AND LISA who rose to the challenge, hung in there and did the daily training that brought Bailey around. During their session with me they listened, they got it, and then THEY MADE IT HAPPEN! I am so proud of them and am forever grateful to have met such special people!

Waiting For the Sun to Shine


The cement floors were cold.   The walls seemed close and damp.  All was quiet in the corridor.   Suddenly a door opened allowing a shaft of light to shoot through it.   The surrounding air erupted with the desperate excited barking of other lost souls like Dakota.   Echoes rippled down the corridor in waves of anticipation.   A small group of people strolled by stopping at each kennel, peeking excitedly in.  They would occasionally chat and giggle. Then they would draw back and move on.  Dakota would never see them again.

Days became weeks which became months.   Finally those months sprawled into a whole new calendar year, and then into yet another.   The routine was somehow always the same…strange faces briefly peeking in and then moving away, never to be seen again.   Only the dogs kenneled on both sides of him would change.   Dakota waited in the cold, damp corridor.  He waited for the sun to shine.


Rays of sunshine can come in unexpected forms.    A husband and wife had lost a dear elderly canine friend and were looking for a new one.   Dakota’s bright, pretty face caught their eye on an Internet web site.   He had no way of knowing that the sun was finally about to shine on him and that his luck was about to change…forever… Or was it…?

I got a call from a man one cold afternoon.   His voice was soft, gentle and full of compassion.   He had expressed concerns about his dog’s behavior.   He and his wife had had this dog for about a year.   The dog had become increasingly aggressive towards guests in their home.   The dog’s name was Dakota.   He told me that his dog would leap up into the air and punch the guest in the chest with his front feet, sometimes knocking them over.   While in mid jump Dakota’s nose would bump the face of the “intruder”.    This had been escalating in intensity for a long time. Finally the dog injured someone.

John and his wife Carolyn are very compassionate people.   They wanted to be sure when they brought Dakota home that his life would now be nothing but wonderful and full of love.   They were unaware that a lack of structure and rules in his new home would give Dakota power that he would later use in inappropriate ways. Dakota promptly took over the house.

John and Carolyn were at odds over what to do about their problem.   It was clear that things could not continue as they were, but neither one of them could stand the thought of sending Dakota back to the shelter.   If he were to be returned there, he was surely doomed.    They were skeptical about hiring a dog professional but knew that things needed to change.   “There are so many trainers out there, how do I know if I have hired a GOOD trainer?” John asked me over the phone.

It is my firm belief when it comes to improving a dog’s inappropriate behaviors, that the best results come when the dog’s owners and the trainer are aligned and work well together as a team.    John and I were on the same page from the start.   Our phone conversation made that evident to both of us.

When I first met Dakota, I was struck by his power and intensity.   It was clear to me that he did not trust people that he didn’t know.   He used his great power and focus to frighten people so that they would give him a wide birth.   If that didn’t work, he went into offense mode and jumped at them. This dog was a classic combination of dominance and fear.   If left unaddressed, that combination can become very dangerous.

The first thing we needed to do was have John and Carolyn take charge of their house again.   They learned simple ways of reclaiming what once was theirs.    Dakota responded beautifully.   As it turns out, he is a brilliantly intelligent and very willing dog.


The next challenge, and one that would take much longer to achieve was to help Dakota learn that people who are strangers to him can be trusted.   Trust must be earned with time, patience and correct practice.   With new leadership skills, his owners took control and taught him that their friends can be his friends too.   Dakota was especially suspicious of men.    So my husband helped in his rehabilitation.   We used our ace in the hole, Dakota’s love of food (especially CHEESE).   We kept the situation very controlled.   His owners always remained the source of power…and the source of the cheese.   Dakota learned that a stranger walking by meant cheese for him!   That’s not so bad after all!   We made sure that this “stranger” never looked at or addressed Dakota in any way.   Dakota’s focus changed from that of fear and aggression to curiosity in this once scary stranger.

One of the biggest transformations that I saw, and the one I am most amazed, impressed and proud of was the transformation in Carolyn throughout Dakota’s rehabilitation process.   When I first met the couple, she was the one who was almost ready to throw in the towel. She was frustrated, worried about the safety of their family and friends, and had little hope for their future with Dakota. She was clearly at her wits end.   Due to John’s shoulder surgery during all of this, it was Carolyn who did the majority of Dakota’s training.   Carolyn rose to the occasion and then some, and together they both blossomed like beautiful flowers.

Today Dakota has a bright future.   And he is going to share it with two very special people!   What a lucky fellow he is to have been adopted by two people who are so committed to him, people who were willing to seek help and learn the skills needed to give him that wonderful life he is so deserving of.


Enormous Courage in a Small Package


There is no doubt that one of the most rewarding parts of working with troubled dogs is getting to know the wonderful people who are so committed to them. I am continually inspired by people who love their dogs enough to not give up on them despite the tough work and the time it can take to bring these dogs to a more balanced place.

It can be scary to have a total stranger come into your home, especially when you are there alone. I met a young lady who was willing to take that chance because she loved her troubled dog enough to seek help for her. She had me into her home as the first step on their way to a better life together. We had a nice chat. I knew right away that there was something special about Amy.

Karma is a yellow lab. She does not fit the stereotype of what most people think of when a big happy yellow dog comes to mind. You see, Karma finds other members of her own species to be repulsive…VERY repulsive. To Karma, dogs were fight worthy whether right next to her or two blocks away. Her devoted owner Amy walked her regularly despite the wounds that were often inflicted on her when Karma had a tantrum and redirected her aggressions onto the nearest thing…Amy’s arm. Somehow this diminutive young woman had found a way to tap in on BIG inner courage and continued to walk Karma anyway. After all, the young dog needed exercise…


When I first met Amy, I was struck by her honesty.   I could sense  inner struggle as she tried her best to balance her courage with the harsh realities that had become so much a part of her troubled dog’s life. It was imperative that the first thing we had to stop was the redirection of Karma’s wrath onto Amy’s body. So we set out on a walk in the light misting rain.

Karma had no problem showing off her problem right away. It was important for us to gain her respect from the get go. But first we had to make Karma learn that she was not out there by herself to do what ever she wanted. We had to bring her back down to earth and realize that not only was she with us, but that we were the ones running the show. Giving her our strongest inner energy helped a great deal.

We took Karma around the neighborhood and found dogs in yards to practice by. With some repetition Karma did show improvement, although the old way of being had become habit. And we all know that practice makes perfect…even when that practice is the very behavior that we don’t want. With correct practice Amy found an inner strength that she had not yet known.  She remained somewhat haunted by past experiences but was ready, willing and able to work through that.  Karma behaved better for me, as I brought a new and different energy into her life and Karma took me more seriously. But Amy made significant progress in a very short time. I was so very proud of her.

During Karma’s rehabilitation, Amy recognized that she is a very intelligent dog and has begun to teach her some tricks. This is a VERY good idea, as it will stimulate that bright mind. And it will also strengthen their bond. It sounds like they are both enjoying it too.

Today I get occasional reports from Amy. Karma has come a looooong way. Some of her issues remain, but in a diluted fashion and Amy is now in control. Her body has not felt the bite of redirection since my visit. They continue to walk often and work on things. How I admire Amy’s courage and tenacity.


My hat is off to you Amy, and I am very inspired by your spirit.   Keep on walking!….

Helping to Heal a Troubled Heart


Everything that we experience in life has unexpected lessons attached to it.   When border collie Kip came into my life, he was wild, confused, detached and aggressive.  My husband wanted to get our next dog from a rescue group and the timing seemed right.  I’ve had border collies for nearly twenty years and wished to have yet another one.   There was something about Kip that attracted both of us.  So…we decided to give him a new home.    What a WILD ride awaited us!…


I will be honest here and say that there were times in the beginning when I wondered what in the world we had done.  Kip had been a stray.  He was bone skinny, reeked of skunk spray and had no interest in being a part of any group, especially a human one.  He was horrified of cars, moving or not, and was torn between running from them or chasing them. Inside the house, he was on a mission to destroy everyting from the inside out.  He lunged at anything that moved and tried to control this movement with his teeth.


Kip’s body told of a sad history.  He is missing an ear, torn clean off in an apparent attack at some point in his past.  There is a notch out of the “good” ear and scar tissue all down the back of his neck under his fluffy white ruff.  Clearly he had been in a great battle at some point early in his life and likely was not the victor.  The physical scars were easy to see at a glance, but the emotional scars were more lasting and much more difficult to deal with.   Indeed I had a challenge ahead of me.   But this challenge taught me not only some new techniques in dealing with dogs, but also a special empathy for those dog owners out there who desperately wish to improve behaviors in their own dogs.

Over time, with daily practice, training and loads of patience, Kip slowly began to evolve into a more and more balanced dog.  His tantrums were further and further apart, gradually decreasing in intensity.  In time, they were gone altogether as if melted away with a late spring snow.   His eyes are now soft and loving.   His spirit has found a more peaceful way of being.  It has been a long, tough journey that he and I have traveled together.   I wouldn’t change a day of it.


(Above)  Kip looking alert and happy.    He has blossomed into a wonderfully sweet and good natured boy.

(Below) Kip relaxes in the cool shade under the deck.  His mind and spirit are calm, relaxed and trusting.


Dogs, much like people never stop growing and changing.  Today for the first time Kip joined Wager and I on a behavior call to help out a dog in need.   This dog struggles to get along with those of her own species.  There was a day when Kip was like that.   Today he has reminded me of what is possible when love meets knowledge, patience and correct practice.   It was a magical day for my Kippy;  a day in which he said “thank you” to me for our work together.   I am proud to have been a part of his healing process.

…Thank you little fellow for needing me so and for the gift of insight that you have given to me.  What a wonderful little teacher you are.



I decided to add a web log to my site to have a place where I can post things of interest to people who love dogs.  I will add things as the inspiration hits me and hope that the entries are helpful and maybe even inspirational to those who are working to improve the behaviors of their beloved four legged friends.

I’ll start by introducing my dog Wager, whose image was used as the header at the top of this web log.

Wager often joins me on my behavior consultation trips and is a terrific help in rehabilitating dogs who are not fond of their own species.  His “steady Eddie” personality seems to have a calming effect on most dogs who meet him.   He sees the world through rose colored glasses and has never met a stranger.  We humans could learn quite a lot from such an optimistic and accepting point of view!

I acquired Wager as a puppy from a breeder nine years ago.  He was a very successful show dog and later developed a love for camera work, modeling for a wide variety of products over the years and he even filmed a TV commercial and nailed it on the first take.  He is happiest when he is with his person, who luckily is ME, and he loves to be out and about, experiencing the wide wonders of the world.   How lucky I am to have such a wonderful and loyal friend in my life!
